Planning the unknown.

For about four years I had a an idea for a specific photograph. It was to shoot the city of Hoorn from across the water. At first I wanted to shoot the harbour, but I realised that it was too far away to get a good shot. So I planned a different shot with the H.H. Cyriacus- en Franciscus Church and the ‘Large Church’ (There must be a better name for it) in the shot.


I’m roughly at the side of Grote Waal shooting towards the Westfries Museum. About 700 meters across. Although it was more of a scouting mission I did want to take a good image. The forecast was good, the clouds should clear later in the afternoon.

There was a good parking spot about 5 minutes walk from where I wanted to go. Parked my car, grabbed my way too heavy bag, and went on my way,


As I closed my destination I saw two pillars I wasn’t expecting. But I was also happy to see my main two subject closer than expected. What ever the pillars are, I can shoot in between them.

I forgot to take an image of all the construction going on, but it was very unexpected. I think they plan on building a complete new neighbourhood. I set up my tripod anyway and tried to get a good shot.

Sadly it was overcast and it wasn’t the best lighting conditions.

Not super happy with the result. Besides the construction going on close to me, there was also some construction going on at the buildings in the shot.

I tried a tighter shot. Not great either.
I’ll have to get back with better light and without construction going on in the shot.


I took 3 shots with my Hasselblad 500C, despite the not so great view. The sand and red thingy kinda works ok as a foreground.

I tried some other shots. Again, not the best light. I liked the white building breaking the repetition of the other buildings.

Also took a few shots of the construction going on.

Overall it wasn’t what I expected. I didn’t get any good shots. But I did get out and tried something. Maybe the Hasselblad images are any good. They will be up soon!

Sometimes it just doesn’t work. Better luck next time!